Life is beautiful

And only because of the moments that are hard and difficult, we can realize when it is beautiful.

The Chinese philosophy of YinYang holds some sweet wisdom.

Since I was young there was something that told me that the biggest achievement in life is knowing how to live it well. To make it a personal masterpiece or piece of art. And for being able to do so, the inner intelligence of how to act with the present moment and the world around us is more important, than collected memory, in form of intellectual and academic knowledge. One can have collected a huge amount of academic knowledge, but still struggle with the every day life and one´s relationships. Especially also with the most important relationship of all, the one with oneself. Since it is the longest relationship of our life and the one we cannot escape from. But some people try that and hit therefore again and again different kinds of walls in life.

On one side there are rules to life that enable us to make or craft a masterpiece out of it.  

On the other hand, there is something intangible to it. Something that requires flexibility and intuitive response, which, if bringing about the personal desired results, makes it more seem like an art. For that we need the inner intelligence, that has less to do with academic knowledge, though some of it can help.

The inner intelligence is needed when we are dealing with different situations in life and business. Which always enfold themselves in the present moment. The more we are able to face this moment, the better we can deal with it. This is the Zen approach to existence. Being so connected and in alignment to life, the present moment, that you intuitively do the right thing, at the right moment, in the right way. 

This is what Daoists consider to be with the Dao. I refrain from explaining the famous unexplainable here. Though, I leave a little hint: You can find it in the seemingly ordinary present moment. 

And the word “present” is interestingly a synonym for the word “gift”.

I believe that there are rules of life & existence, which, when learned, enable us to make a personal masterpiece & piece of art out of it.

In short; to live it well, to very well according our personal opinion.

Interestingly do the rules of life and existence have a lot in common with success in one´s career, entrepreneurship, or business endeavors. 

The same goes for relationships. Since life and business is all about relationships. With one´s environment, as with the people with who one associates. Or, relates to. And most importantly, with oneself.

The point is, living a well to a very well-lived life, success in one´s career, business, or relationships is learnable. This is awesome news according to my personal opinion. And the reason why the transfer of knowledge, techniques, and strategies together with meditation techniques are the foundation of my approach. 

Some beliefs my services are based on

Individual´s talents, strengths, passions, visions, & dreams have a very good reason for existence.

Knowledge can mean opportunities & power.

The right mindset & attitude is key in life.

Beliefs are the fundamentals to think, feel, and act on in life. We perceive only what we believe.

Personal development, constant growth, leadership traits & skills & work bring progress.

Success, excellence, & financial freedom & abundance are learnable.

Meditation is the greatest tool & preventive medicine there is. For a ridiculous amount of reasons.

Appreciation, gratitude, & enjoying life is fundamental.

Finding for one personally the way to find joy and bliss in one´s personal & in one´s professional life is vital for a fulfilled, healthy, & well-lived life.
The time of our professional life takes simply too much time to spend it with something that is far away from what we enjoy.
If one of them is not right and makes us feel rather bad, anxious, or useless and destroys our vitality, it impacts the other one.

That´s why my slogan is:

Business success on the bright side of life.

A bit about me

I am originally from Hamburg, Germany. A city which used to have the biggest harbor in the world which it always considers the gate to the world. Having seen as a child thousands of boats visiting Hamburg that have been from places all around the world, my passion and curiosity to get to know some of these places was set on fire very early on. After getting accustomed very early on to deal with frequently new situations, in form of having gone to 8 different schools, my hunger to live abroad had to be filled. I was very fortunate that my parents supported that desire. It took me over San Francisco and New York City, where I have been working in maritime musuems, to South America, where I made internships and travelled as well. After many different small jobs, as well as on a construction zone near Paris, I finally started to study Intercultural Communication with Spanish and French as languages. It was a very interesting studies of cultures, languages, and translations. 


Barcelona, Transformation & Coaching

After my third semester abroad in Barcelona, after having been a semester in Paris, and Lyon,  I decided to quit these studies. I did so, because through me being an auto-didact of the fields of personal development early on, and having experienced the power of coaching on two occasions myself, I knew that empowering others to live their idea and vision of a fulfilling, meaningful, and good life was what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. It was backed up with years of experiences already in lifting the self-confidence and clarity of friends of mine intuitively. I then, started in Barcelona with small jobs while continuing my self-studies, that enabled me to study fields together that no faculty or university could offer. A journey of self-studies in which I faced a big transformation of myself through meditation and different Asian philosophies, ancient wisdom, business wisdom and principles, different psychologies, and the powerful revelations that neuroscience has revealed. Amongst much more. N.L.P. Neuro, Linguistical, Programming, invented by the modeling of masters of psychotherapy, is something that has also caught my fascination and passion, besides further coaching axioms and techniques. 

By being able to figure out the most powerful common threats of different fields, in form of principles, and by personally checking with one´s inner intelligence and experience which of these principles are most useful and powerful, one can use the wisdom and knowledge in one´s personal life and relationships, as well as in one´s career or business. 

I am not a business coach, though by offering the power of programming one´s brain, by literally creating new and needed neural connections and pathways, and by modeling the most success promising principles of different fields that have to do with the management of people, leadership, success, and further fields that have to do with business, one can widen tremendously one´s scope, abilities, and success in one´s career or business endeavors. Modeling the best while combining it with one´s unique approach and brand identity is in a nutshell the service I offer besides personal & life coaching. 

I look forward to work with you on helping you achieve your personal, career, or business goals. 


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