Values & certain keywords are the backbone
in my life & business.

Values are like fingerprints. Nobody´s are the same, but you leav´ em all over everything
you do.

Elvis Presley

Find people who share your values, and you´ll conquer the world together.

John Ratzenberger

The color of gold represents these perfectly.

Here are the values & keywords that the color gold and I share. 

( Click to unfold ) 

Ability. Having the mental, physical, financial, or legal power to do something. Ability is a big word since nearly any ability is learnable and creatable with time and effort. This is the baseline of my services. If there is a will, there is extremely likely also a way. The next question is if there is the will and readiness to go the way, with all it´s sacrifices along the way, besides the emotional heights of self-esteem, and the desired changes and transformation within oneself, as well as in one´s life. 

It is by far not only about material and financial  abundance. It´s first of all about the abundance of opportunities in life and feeling alive. The abundance of inspiration, vision, ambition, confidence, meaning, love, passion, fulfillment, joy, relationships, and the ability to contribute to society and the world. 

Pleasurable things release Dopamine. Achievements, may they be just a tiny task towards a greater goal, release Endorphins. Both feel good. The second makes you addicted to growth and progress, while the first, if not accompanied by the second, makes you a simple hedonist. Pleasure in life is important to enjoy it simply for the sake of life itself and being. But little achievements lead to greater achievements that have the capacity to build something tremendously meaningful. And maybe even to something useful beyond yourself and your life.

As Gold stands also for masculinity, the active part of the Chinese philosophy of YinYang, known by the black and white fishes that chase each other´s tale, having a dot of the color within each, The Taijitu, Gold stands for activity. Being in an consciously active relationship with one´s life, environment, and relationships. Being passive or still, which is also important in moments, to recharge energies, let things flow, not forcing anything unwisely, has it´s supportive and balancing effects. Since both, active and passive, need each other, effect each other, and imply secretly each other. Activity is the fundamental for massive action and participation, that success and the realization of ambitious dreams and hearts desires need. Besides well tuned “non-action”.

Without authenticity there is lack of truth. Without truth, there is deception. Where is deception, is disappointment and frustration not far away. Authenticity is a prerequisite not only of successful business and customer or clients relationships, but also healthy and non-toxic relationships outside of business. Authentic living is to be answered by everybody for themselves for which self-knowledge and introspection is vital. 

“People who love life have charisma because they fill the room with positive energy.” – John C. Maxwell

Charisma makes things easier in life and business, though it is more like an easier giving chance to show what you got. Funny enough, it can also make it easier to get away with something or get your apology accepted. When it´s genuine. Helping my clients to genuinely fall in love with their life, besides more, is definitely something I consider a great success. 

Compassion is a prerequisite for a healthy community, or society. Not to mention a healthy relationship. With others, as with oneself. 

Confidence without arrogance and a an inflated sense of self-worth. Confidence in one´s ability to grow into the person we need to be to live our hearts desires and ambitions, and to take our responsibilities with dignity. Without a certain degree of confidence, there is seldom achievement of anything worthwhile. Which is why it is part of my approach, to let clients grow as much healthy confidence, as their hearts desires and goals need. 

It takes courage to face life. It also takes courage to face oneself with all one´s weaknesses, and darker aspects, to be able to own them, to then control them. It takes courage to think big. Bigger than one´s immediate surrounding, and even more courage to go for it, often against the odds, and many naysayers. It takes courage to let aspects of oneself or surrounding behind and get into unknown waters of one´s personality and future. It takes courage to leave one´s comfort zone, to widen it, since it is needed for personal and professional growth. It takes courage to start a business and leave the security of employment behind. It takes courage to take important decisions and take the responsibility for one´s employee´s and their family´s security. Not to mention the own one. 

But by thinking it really through, it takes more courage according to my opinion, to not become an entrepreneur and leave one´s security to a great part in other people´s and the government´s hands. 

Many very successful entrepreneurs know their soul´s calling and with this their soul. The feeling of not having a choice but to do what they do. A sense of mission that is directly or non-directedly related to their business activities. It takes soul to to take your corporate endeavors through tough times and to the greatest heights, since one needs a lot of energy for that. Having an open connection with one´s soul is a huge energy giver, which the philosophy of Yoga relates to the Kundalini Energy. Helping my clients in that connection is a fundamental aspect of one-on-one collaborations. It brings the greatest potential and crystal clarity into their life and world. 

One can do things in many different ways but my standard is with elegance. Elegance in communication, mutual respect, performance, and execution. 

There are many misconceptions about it out there. Which is understandable since it is still a rare form of experiencing, being, understanding, and living life. It is not only the intellectual realization but also real personal experience of states of mind that leave conceptual thinking and linear time beyond, while having purified oneself energetically to high degrees amongst more. Which takes a lot of work, and usually also time, since it is a process of learning and unlearning at the same time. It is nevertheless, with the right company and techniques, for everyone attainable, who has a real and genuine longing for it, while approaching it with a profound humility and readiness to be a student. I have been on the path for many years and for about 4 years I am able to silence my consciousness, hence my thoughts, completely wherever and whenever I desire it. 

I am not peddling this offer which is why I mention it a “bit hidden” on my site. Who is destined to read this and is specifically interested in that, because the genuine longing is craving it, may approach me for that. These sessions are called in Indian and Yogic philosophy Satsang, which means association with the highest truth, a form of people who inquire together into the ultimate nature of existence. I have developed a good feeling for who is ready and who isn´t yet. I include the sharing of different meditation techniques that support the process into one´s center and nature of being. Though all I can do is pointing with the finger to it by giving proper explanations, the path must be walked by oneself. Internally. To then find ultimate freedom. Inside and outside. Having totally woken up means nothing when one hasn´t developed a very high sense of compassion, tolerance, and benevolence.

I used to give Satsang for free, but only the fewest knew to understand it, receive it with humility, and appreciate it. I charge for it now for as long as I decide to do so. 

“A real businessman or entrepreneur has no enemies. Once he understands this, then sky’s the limit.” – Jack Ma, Founder of Alibaba. I believe in the value of friendliness beyond having different opinions. A fundamental respect for competition and other opinions. As long as they aren´t fascist. 

Generosity and giving is recommended by the Dalai Lama for wealthy people who aren´t happy. Giving is an act of love, which is by definition first of all a verb. Love doesn´t care about getting and receiving. Abundance and wealth is empty, if one can´t share it or use it for good and important purposes. One doesn´t need to have much, to experience the pleasure of generosity, giving, and sharing. But with more financial power one can give more and get more pleasure, happiness, and fulfillment out of it.

“Fortes fortuna adiuvat.” I believe strongly that luck is on the side of the brave, diligent, and virtues. Obviously there are exceptions.

But when one is ready to work hard for one´s vison and dreams, is ready to leave the comfort zone, and respects others, as well as one´s personal moral principles, one has better chances of being lucky enough to achieve one´s bold goals. Existence can be cruel, but it seems to favor the strong rather the weak. The weak in general, by whatever reasons, and the weak of mind, attitude, and virtues.

When one speaks within the fields of metaphysics, high and low, are just words to easier comprehend some ideas, in the end there is no higher or lower, since these are just words, artificially created by humans. They mean to symbolize something simply. By higher ideals are ideals meant, that have left egoistic and selfish reasons, worries, and motivations behind. To have ideals that think in bigger terms, and have the desire for the well-being of others or many in mind and heart. 

If we don´t work for raising our standards, it rarely does someone else for us. There many forms of standards. Of thinking and behaving for example, as well as what we accept, and what we don´t accept. By others, our ourselves. A high standard of quality of life is therefore likely connected to metaphysical standards. 

Integrity is fundamental to successful and trusting relationships in life, as in business. There is no integrity, without honesty. 

Knowledge can relate to many different fields obviously. Be it about certain things or topics, about oneself, or about the underlying workings of existence and life. Knowledge can enable to be powerful, or have options and possibilities to choose from. It can also be the prerequisite for creativity, and new insights. The greatest knowledge of all may be the knowledge of who we are personally and fundamentally, as well as that in comparison with all that exist, that we may know nothing. This sense grows interestingly, the more we collect knowledge, since it opens our eyes to realize all that we don´t know. 

In Buddhism the color of Gold has several meanings. Besides enlightenment, purity, happiness, and freedom, it stands for knowledge. Now you can argue for what kind of knowledge it refers to, the knowledge of the ultimate reality, or the common concept of knowledge. 

Either way, without learning and a form of self-guidance to improving oneself, at least in ethical matters, purifying oneself, knowledge of any kind is hard to attain. 

I am an auto-didact myself, and it is one of my most treasured traits. Life, as seen in nature, is about growth or decline. Learning is therefore fundamental for growth. And if it means to “unlearn” things, to grow personally. 

Love in all possible senses, not only the romantic one. Fundamentally, love has been the underlying motivation for contribution, which has been the greatest motor and drive of many extremely successfully entrepreneurs and other great personalities. The sense of serving a cause, the weak, or an ideal. The sense and desire to serve is the common principles of extraordinary leaders. So fundamentally, it is love. 

Loyalty to the change that life inevitably brings within oneself. Being loyal to oneself means being able to change. Sometimes, when values and inner perspectives, outlooks, and ambitions change, this can even mean to part ways with people one has been surrounding oneself for a while. It is something that has to do with energy, since everybody exudes the energy of one´s personal ambitions, attitudes, beliefs, and values. If a former coach potato has to 95 % only other coach potatoes as friends, but decides to become one´s healthiest version for the rest of their life, it´ll be extremely hard to become that as long as one doesn´t change the energy one surrounds oneself on a regular basis. If all one´s friends only have party and pleasures in mind, it is extremely hard, if not impossible, to swim successfully and constantly into the other direction of for example professional achievements and progress. It´s plain physics and simply how we human work. To achieve and live one´s big dreams and goals requires sacrifices. 

When one is working for several years 60 to 100 hours each weak, carrying perhaps even the responsibility for many people´s jobs, one may deserve material luxury. Since by working that many hours, one has likely refrained from going on a daily basis for the immediate gratifications in life. Luxury is not the primary goal, but a nice feature of success, that is achieved by other goals and motivations. 

Success doesn´t have to do something with any kind of materialism automatically. Success can simply mean to be able to do what one feels like and loves to do or finds meaningful to do on a regular basis. 

If all you love to do and have is to have a tiny cabin in the country side and live from the food you plant in your small garden, and you do that, you are successful. If all you really care about and want is to have a stable income and a good time with your friends and family without financially costly experiences, you are successful. If all you want is to live in a monastery, and you do that, you are successful. The definition of success is up to each individual. 

Meditation is the greatest tool and preventive medicine and gift to humanity there is. It is the liberator of one´s soul and releases and strengthens the wisest, most confident and blissful version of us. 

The world would literally turn into a paradise if all children would learn to meditate. Mental diseases and emotional suffering would nearly totally cease to exist, besides 90 % of physical diseases, intolerance, and plain stupidity.

Words of optimism in hard times, such as “We will make it together!”, can have tremendous value. Furthermore is a common threat of the majority of very successful people, that they keep their mind as positive as they can. Optimists may not always be accurate in their math, but it leads them to get going with endeavors and learn and improve along the way, and succeed, that they likely wouldn´t have, if they wouldn´t have been optimistic in the first place. 

On one hand it is fundamental to have it, on the other hand business is best dealt with, when emotions are left out. At least it is wise to not let one´s emotions interfere negatively in it by affecting one negatively. Great success is not possible, without passion in the sense, that something within oneself shall have a positive connection with the activity in which one is successful. If you dislike what you do, though you are great in doing it, it is at least questionable, if doing it is a sign of true personal success. If it was highly important according to the doer nevertheless, for whatever reason, it can be another story though. I would call a father, who doesn´t like his job but does it for his children to have a good education and his family food and a roof, still a success.  In other cases, I speak from the view of a Personal Coach, so the personal connection with one´s activities and elements of life are counting here. 

Philosophy can lead to very valuable insights and ideas but without practicality they stay on the mental and spoken plane. At the same time not all action is practical. Useful and effective action needs sometimes moments of deliberate thinking, to be practical. 

Self-worth is vital for living a well-lived life. Our self-image, which is connected to our own belief of how valuable we estimate ourselves to be, determines our thinking and actions. And with this our direction and quality of life. It´s been one of the red lines in my life to help my encounters raise their own self-worth, in case they didn´t have enough to live their life the way they would love to. Everybody is worthy of existing and therefore shouldn´t lack a healthy amount of self-worth, while granting it to everybody else.  

“I have no right to say or do anything that diminishes a man in his own eyes. What matters is not what I think of him but what he thinks of himself. Hurting a man in his dignity is a crime.” – Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Strength and power is needed to live life on one´s own terms. Going your own way, often against the tide of the crowd, needs strength. 

This is connected to the desire and calling to contribute. Which is one of the levels that Abraham Maslow with his pyramid of human stages of development, as well as Tony Robbins with his “6 Human Needs” talk  about. At a certain level of personal development, professional development, or having one´s needs satisfied, contribution becomes a natural desire. Be it in form if sharing knowledge, experiences, or financial support for example. Everybody is able to share some of it, to some people. Everybody can learn something from anybody and may it be unconsciously done or not something big. The world is a teacher itself by being full of potential teachers. Once a big goal is clear, one starts to see the world more and more like this. 

Without integrity, it is hard to find people who want to do business with you. It is likely the most important trait for sustainable business relationships, as for healthy, respectful, and loving relationships in one´s private life. In addition, it is very supportive for one´s personal self-esteem, and confidence in oneself. 

When we focus on offering asked value and quality on the market, and know the value of it and how to ask for the proper exchange for it, success comes by itself. 

I believe it is vital for life and for business, to add value and quality. In life for oneself and one´s loved ones, and in business for the clients or customers. And to the people we work with or who work for us. People feel it if someone is just after their own benefit. 

Warmth. The warmth of the sun rays, as well as from human behavior, or a fire we are sitting close by. Human warmth, is as essential for humans, especially for babies, as the sunrays are for our survival. A person who doesn´t receive and give any human warmth, may very likely decline spiritually. 

For many negatively associated, for others the paradise of caring for one´s loved ones and supporting the people or causes that can´t help themselves, or can need any support possible. Money is neutral, and wealth can be used responsibly by using it to contribute to society. Which, again, is the main motivator of many wealthy people. As vacations are planned, so can be the path to financial freedom and wealth. Setting the foundations for it, can be part of my services. 

Wisdom. The ability to discern the real from the unreal and to take decisions that have the benefit of all included parties as the basis. The wiser one get´s, the more humble and serving one becomes. While also keeping in mind that one has to have and cultivate certain boundaries and principles in one´s life, to be of best use for oneself and with this for others. It is seeing the connection between the small and the big, between the tiny action and short moment and the big picture and timeframe of something. A big and caring heart may develop high levels of wisdom. There hasn´t been seen one wise man or woman who was greedy and resentful. 

Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value.

Albert Einstein

Money is a tool. Used properly it makes something beautiful; used wrong, it makes a mess!

Bradley Vinson


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