Employee´s Quality of Life Coaching

Companies are similar to a living being. Its employees and different departments represent the different functions of its different organs. As every living being has the inherent knowledge and inner drive to take care of its health, a company can embody the same healthy and inherent tendency to take care of its own health. 


Its employees take care of the functioning of the different organs in the form of the company’s different departments. 

As self-love and self-care are important aspects for the healthy growth of one’s success, it goes also for companies. The important numbers at the end of each month or quarter are only possible through the overall performance and strategy of a company. Of the persons who work in and for the company.

It is only smart as a company, to join the companies that take care of these persons. It´s employees. 

Employees who are healthy and fulfilled with their lives and confident in their worth and abilities not only perform better but also create a more harmonious and productive working climate. Their tendency to bring any form of negativity, unsolved problems, and frustrations to the workplace, is very low.

As well as their tendency to get sick and stay home.


Personal care of companies for their employees is what strengthens the connection between the company and its employees, as well as waters the identification of the employee with its company.

In addition, by offering your best and most ambitious employees the ability to grow on a personal and professional level, you make it much more likely that they want to stay part of your company.

No engineer gets the idea to throw sand into his machine. Instead, he takes care of its state regularly to make sure it works as desired.


By offering the employee the sessions with The Bellavita Method, your employee gets equipped with psychological and practical knowledge and tools and how to apply them which enables and empowers him or her amongst more to

  • improve the work-life balance which results in better performance at work. 
  • solve quicker personal issues and prevent them more easily coming up again.
  • increase his or her self-esteem and self-confidence which results in higher performances inside and outside of work.
  • decrease levels of stress drastically by a set of techniques that lead to a more guaranteed mental- and physical health in the long run.
  • appease the mind more and more and get unaffected by negative thoughts or negative and harmful thinking patterns or negative stimuli from the outside. 
  • become more mindful and focused through meditation techniques.


By offering your employee the just listed opportunities, your company prevents personal and physical problems of the employee by offering him or her some help and know-how on how to liberate him or herself from her problems or issues.

The employee not only learns to transform problems and issues in the present moment but is also equipped to handle the appearance of future personal challenges by him or herself.

Due to having developed psychological resilience.

The collaboration results in healthier, more fulfilled, and more confident employees who perform much better and easier.

It is proven nowadays that a positive and harmonious working atmosphere highly supports peak performance, productivity, success, and with this also profits. 

Employees are the representation of your company and the better their energy, mood, and motivation to work for your company, the more likely it is that clients and customers stay loyal.

It is a very small investment in comparison with the employees and corporate benefits in the short and long run.


Between 4 and 6 Hours have proved to be enough for most people to achieve much more clarity, ignite positive change, enthusiasm for life and gain more confidence and balance by the knowledge, techniques, and strategies of The Bellavita Method. Depending on the individual situation of each employee, we can start with 2 hours and see if more is advisable or needed. 

These sessions can be held online via Zoom or Skype.  

Get in touch to have happy, balanced, and peak-performing employees!