The unique all in one method to let you successfully & systematically create the life you truly want.

10 - 15 Sessions, depending of your goal-setting

60 - 120 minutes per session

4 - 14 days Interval between appointments

Online via Zoom or Skype

Life can be overwhelmingly complex sometimes.

A  meaningful, fulfilling, successful life that is full of harmonious relationships has also many aspects that can be hard to manage.

I don´t like it when things are unnecessarily complex. Which is why I determined after a long journey three main categories for all the aspects.  To begin with.

Psychological ones.

Practical ones.


Spiritual ones.

More than 12 years ago, during and after I  experienced all the typical pain points myself, I started  a unique journey of interdisciplinary research in search for better solutions and ways to live ones life in alignment with ones true will, hearts desires, talents or strengths, and values. 

In short:

In a freedom that is based on personally well chosen responsibilities.


The more I understood the complexity and different aspects of life, the more I realized that to help someone transform oneself and one´s life to be full of fulfillment, love, success, joy, health and financial freedom, the more diverse, holistic and flexible needs to be the approach. 

An approach that meets all aspects of our life and our being. 

That is why the Bellavita Method uses a








approach that must be based on the individual

The holistic approach consists of conversations, coaching techniques for self-knowledge, clarity and confidence amongst more and the transfer of useful and powerful knowledge. In form of principles, strategies, techniques & wisdom for the different aspects of life, as well as much more which you can see clearly listed beneath the main aspects.


The creation of The Bellavita Method was a long process of over 12 years and result of literally thousands of hours of private research, application and experience with clients or friends in which I determined a big amount of diverse and holistic fundamentals, as well as the most powerful principles, strategies and techniques for reaching maximum self-directedness or freedom, fulfillment, joy and success in the different fields of life and also financial and general prosperity and abundance for financial freedom and security in a world that seems to turn faster and faster.



What is the full potential of humans in life nowadays
and in the societies in which we live in?

How can one develop into one´s full potential
to create the life one dreams about?


The curiosity for that has its roots for a big part in the fact that my primary school was in the biggest ghetto of Hamburg, while I was living in a middle-class block, just a block away from the richest area of Hamburg, full of mansions with huge beautiful gardens and at first sight, mainly happy families.


I categorize the aspects in three different categories. I call them parts from here. It is possible that you find that some of the parts belong more to another one. All these parts touch all three categories, just differently by intensity & individual.

When all three parts and their values and priorities are aligned together, life starts to feel more like vacation, than work, eat, sleep and repeat.

In can happen that you actually start to work more than before, but this work feels most of the time like playing while it fulfills you. Or you start to passively earn the money for your life expenses after a little period of work to get it going. 


In the practical part we define, plan & apply the steps that change the course or style of your personal life. This part is very beautiful due to experience desired progress in your life. Automatically this  part has to do with habits and routines since they usually make up a big part of our life. Which is not necessarily bad, as long as we have mainly healthy, positive and our goals and values supporting habits or routines. The interesting part of the practical part here is the learning and acquisition of new knowledge and skills that help you achieve your goals and dreams. 

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It is hard to create a life of deep fulfillment, success, wealth and happiness without a basic set of goals and ideals that make you feel good, beautiful, fulfilled, successful, confident, and joyful over the short- and long run. We integrate them into the smart note- & planning book system.

To make sure that there are as view stops as possible on your road to the realization and achievement of your different goals, we create a plan that contains all of them in a structured, systematic and chronological manner. We implement it in the note- & planning book system, that we create after the definition of your short-term, intermediate and long-term goals and their most important steps of achievement.

In order to be as successful as you can or want to be, we apply the proven principles, strategies and techniques of the most successful, wealthy and influential personalities, there were and are on this planet.


We create a plan for the acquirement of all the knowledge, know-how, principles, strategies and skills you need the most, to enable and empower you to achieve all your goals as smoothly as possible. Making the achievement of all your goals a habit. 

We create a plan for the acquirement of all the knowledge, know-how, principles, strategies and skills you need the most, to enable and empower you to achieve all your goals as smoothly as possible. Making the achievement of all your goals a habit. 

All successful people, no matter their industry, have some kind of a morning routine. A set of things within 1 or 2 hours usually helps them to be in their essence, balance, have clarity and feel good and motivated to kick ass during the day.

For reaching as fast and as effective as possible financial freedom, we apply the fundamentals and strategies of smart money management and wealth creation that are most effective in your current situation and are aligned with your short-term, intermediate and long-term goals. Therefore, we create a financial plan, that enables you to have all the time a clear overview of your finances, brings you closer to your different goals, as well as prevents you from unnecessary costs. In case it is possible, we start making plans for the creation of assets, and other income sources. Careful and diverse Investment is also a fundamental part of creating systematically wealth over time. It is rather the opposite of risky deals on the stock market and is therefore only wisely done when there is knowledge, patience and far-sightedness in the game.


In this part we work with your view of the world, yourself and your life, your belief-systems, use N.L.P. techniques (Neuro Lingusitical Programming), clarify your goals, and use techniques to appease or even silent your mind or grow your confidence amongst more which you can see listed beneath. This part includes meditation since it is the best tool for using different kinds of psychological techniques for different aspects of life rather than using the meditation solely to try to silence the mind. 

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To reach maximum clarity, we clarify not only your goals and dreams besides your passions, interests, strengths, and talents, but also your current situation with a status quo analysis. You can go everywhere when you know where you come from and where you currently are.

We make a check-up of your conscious and subconscious beliefs through question and introspection techniques. Once we identify the different and often subtle limiting beliefs which have prevented you from your desired progress and success in all different areas of your life, we start to create empowering beliefs that support the fast and effective achievement of all your different goals. Once they are integrated into your subconscious mind and self-image, you start seeing and feeling huge changes in the different areas of your life.

We make sure, that you develop the confidence it takes to widen your comfort zone, which is necessary for attacking all your challenges in a successful way and to achieve your big goals in life.

Almost all very fulfilling and good things require some form of confidence and feeling that you deserve it and can have, be or do it. We use a set of diverse techniques for growing your confidence into perhaps unknown heights, but in a healthy way.

We take advantage of the ancient third eye, as well as the newest neuroscientific knowledge on how to most effectively use the amazing capacities of the subconscious mind and of your brain in general. We apply for maximum effect a diverse set of techniques of autosuggestion with NLP, as well as other helpful techniques and tools.

The use of them has a positive, healing and empowering influence on different fields of your life. Courage, Confidence, Positivity, Mind Control, Relaxation, Motivation, Success, Volition, Perseverance, Mental Strength and Health.

Success starts in your mind. We apply & cultivate the mindsets & beliefs for success that are supporting your goals.

With the help of different techniques, you gain more and more power over your thoughts and feelings, as well as how to deal with them in the easiest and most powerful way.

We use the ancient art of meditation for more self-knowledge, clarity, peace, confidence, balance, autosuggestions, mindfulness, mind control and bliss. The leaders and top performers in many different industries use the diverse advantages of meditation besides its general healing effect.


This part goes the deepest & has therefore also the greatest power for you to transform yourself & your life. We define who you are at your core, what fulfills you with meaning, your hearts desires, reframe old wounds, use techniques that cultivate the appearance of bliss & harmonize your inner world with your outer world & day to day life. We also can embark more consciously on self- realization in the western or eastern sense. We may discover a mission of yours that you may feel called to experience and follow more consciously. 

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To live very fulfilledly it is very advicable to know exactly what gives your life meaning to be able to let these things outgrow the parts of your life that don´t hold much meaning to you. Your time is too precious for the things that hold no meaning or importance to you. 

Being aware of your heart´s desires, how to make them become a reality and applying the necessary steps is at the same time one of the healthiest activities that you can do for your long-term spiritual, mental and physical health.

Similar to the aspect of meaning we look at your life with the intention to find ways for you to grow the fulfillment of your life on a day to day basis but also on a long-term basis. By considering which long-term projects would fulfill you the most in your life. 

We use different techniques for appeasing your mind or even silencing it for little moments. According to yogic knowledge 10 minutes of a silent mind are as healthy as a whole night of full deep sleep. Besides this we can reframe past events, current or future events to help you let go of them or their anxiety or flood of worries bringing thoughts if necessary or desired.


This is something that is for everybody difficult or less difficult in a unique way. According to yogic and buddhist knowledge, bliss is our nature since it´s sensations are awaiting us when we manage to become very quiet outside and inside of us for a moment.

We use the diamonds of wisdom from younger or older past times and take a closer look at the always applying natural laws that influence, determine and shape our lives. By knowing them and how to apply them we also learn the famous art of human alchemy according to the wise and mystics. The art of living in harmony with your inner and outer world and programming consciously and successfully your subconscious mind.

With western self-realization is meant the successful creation of a lifestyle that makes you fulfilled, works with your strengths or talents and  gives you meaning in the roughest sense. It is for everybody a different creation and path of life. The eastern self-realization goes beyond concepts and your mind to discover the core of your being. My approach is free of religious or dogmatic concepts and ceremonies but based on real experience. The philosophies of Yoga, Buddhism and Daoism serve as much as science does, to bring you to your silent, but vivid & powerful core.


You save yourself a lot of


Precious Time in Form of Years

Trial & Error

Valuable Energy

While at the same time you gain likely much more

Clarity of what you want & how to create it

Success at what you do

Confidence & Peace of Mind

Financial Security or Wealth over Time

Deep Fulfillment & loving Relationships

The probability of spending over the time high amounts of money on a life that isn´t yet exactly as fulfilling, successful or meaningful as you want it to be is very high. Amongst more perhaps on books or coachings, that can´t give you the effective holistic – all aspects including – service, training & guidance that the Bellavita Method offers you.

Instead of losing money, you learn with the Bellavita Method how to create financial security and freedom, as well as wealth if you want. By creating a strategic financial action & business plan for the sources of income, passive- & active ones, that fit best to your strengths, interests, values & lifestyle that you want. Besides a general growth of feeling secure due to clarity, a desired change of life and more confidence, you also grow the financial security for the rest of your life and your loved ones.

The multiplied return of much bigger amounts of money, joy, success & fulfillment over time lay in your hands with the small investment in the Bellavita Method.

Besides the expansion of the sense of much more fulfilment, control and power over your life and your abilities, knowledge, skills and wisdom. These things stay with you for the rest of your life and give you a higher quality of life that you likely never had before.



You schedule a session at a day & time that fits best to you.


Definition & Analysis

In one-on-one sessions & mainly through conversation, we define the following aspects to make a status quo analysis & action plan analysis:

Your current Situation

Unnecessary Baggage of the Past

Your Strengths, Talents & Passion

Your Desires, Goals, Dreams & Purposes

What Knowledge & Skills you need for them

The Obstacles & Challenges on the Way



After the defining, we create a master plan that includes all aspects & steps that need to be taken to achieve your desired goals in a systematic, well-structured & chronological manner. 


Transfer of Knowledge, Exercises, Visualizations, & Meditations

Once your goals are crystal clear, there will be sequences of transfer of knowledge, exercises, guided visualizations and different forms of meditation for as long as you believe that the sessions are needed to securely & successfully implement the desired changes & progresses in your inner and outer life. 

By time & if desired, the interval between the sessions can grow until we meet up once every two weeks, month, or three months to stay on course until you feel that nothing can distract you from achieving your goals. 


Joy, Clarity, Empowerment, Confidence, & More Success

You enjoy a brighter new sense of living due to the changes that you started.  You know exactly what you want and how to get it and you´re equipped with what you need to achieve it. You have all the confidence that you need to live the way you want.  Your success in what you do is growing, as well as the relationships that you have. 


After each session you receive a written summary of the main insights & revelations you had, as well as the conclusions you took from them. In addition to that, you receive tailor-made exercises for in between the sessions, well in accordance with your situation and time, that you can do and note down to secure the continuous growth of your desired progress and change.

In this way you have after our collaboration a written transcript of the coaching process and the exercises done that can serve you in future moments as a reminder or for new revelations and ideas. 


The sessions can be held at my place at the feet of the Ramblas in Barcelona & the port. In case the weather permits it, we can use the terrace with a wide view on the sea, the port & Montjuïc.

Further its possible to meet in a hotel lobby, coffee place or somewhere else in Barcelona. 

If desired, we can hold the sessions during a little walk or hike in one of the green areas in or close to Barcelona. 

The sessions with the Bellavita Method give you the keys to totally transform your life in many ways, and create the success in business that you want.

Saving yourself a lot of time, energy & money. 

Having experienced all of the typical pain points myself helps me to really understand the other side of the coaching process. I have also learned on two occasions myself the wonderful transformation, impact, shift and release of energy, a good coaching is supposed to have and create over the process. 

The Bellavita Method goes even further. It offers many diverse and very powerful techniques and strategies that there are out there that it includes. Additionally it has created new ones over the years.

Many aren´t used by usual coachings since their formation didn´t have the years of interdisciplinary research & testing.

Have a short look:

( Click to unfold )

Get crystal clear about your will, hearts desires & dreams through a diverse set of effective coaching techniques for introspection & clarity. Define what gives you meaning & fulfillment in your life & in case; what not anymore but still occupies your time. 

Get connected to your inner drive & enthusiasm by a set of techniques that help you to live your life in a way that you cannot wait to get up in the morning. 

Learn a set of effective goalsetting strategies that make achieving your goals turn into a habit. By a set of brainstorming, N.L.P. & meditation techniques you learn to always have your wise inner consultant with you to know your next moves. 

Learn through conversations with me & techniques to gain your control over stress, anxiety & endless negative thoughts. We reprogram your mind to exchange your returning negative thoughts with pleasant & positive ones.

Grow your confidence in a healthy way into perhaps unknown heights by a wide range of techniques, psychological knowledge & exercises. Enjoy then how many things work easier for you, as well as your ability to go for your biggest dreams.

Learn proven strategies & aspects of success to clarify each step towards the success or realization of your goals & dreams that you desire. Learn in addition how to program your brain and mind on the results & goals you want to achieve. 

Use proven strategies & techniques for wise & smart money management, as well as to create financial freedom over time. Strategically safe your financial future.


Goals are like a magnet—they pull. And the stronger they are, the more purposeful they are, the bigger they are, the more unique they are, the stronger they pull.


Get in touch!