5 essential virtues for success and life.

There are many factors that can be essential for success. To a certain degree, it depends obviously on the definition of success itself. On our personal journey towards the achievement of our personal goals, it is easy sometimes, to forget some essential virtues that can make a huge difference when we know how to apply them.

Here are five that are truly essential besides knowing clearly what you want to achieve.

“It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s just that I stay with problems longer.” – Albert Einstein

“Champions keep playing until they get it right.” – Billie Jean King

“If you are going through hell, keep going.” – Winston Churchill

1. Perseverance

Winners never quit and quitters never win.

Just with normal paths, you got a go to the end to reach your goals. It is normal to ask for the way sometimes when you have a goal where you haven’t been yet. Perseverance pays off in most cases when it is accompanied by the right actions and the other virtues. Your perseverance highly gets more powerful and strong, the more meaningful the goal is to you. The more a goal is able to pull you with excitement and enthusiasm, the stronger is your perseverance to manage it against all odds and challenges.  

“Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become.” – Steve Jobs

2. Courage & Confidence

Without it, it is nearly impossible to widen your comfort zone big enough to withhold all your goals and dreams. Because; all very fulfilling things connected to our big goals and dreams need in some form more or less courage and confidence to go towards it.

Quite interesting is the fact that fear disappears as soon as you approach it.

You can connect your confidence to your deepest realization that you deserve the achievement or realization of your goals. This deep realization inside of you, therefore, claims its right to make it happen.

When you have a goal that is very meaningful to you, that perhaps even makes your heart jump out of joy when you are thinking intensively about it, you have your true and highest version of yourself on your side.

And trust me, both, your true self and the highest version of yourself, are confident as fuck!

“To have faith is to trust yourself to the water. When you swim you don’t grab hold of the water, because if you do you will sink and drown. Instead, you relax, and float.” – Alan Watts

“Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.

3. Faith

Faith is the feeling and belief that what you have in mind and plan to do, is achievable and that you deserve it to happen. It is like the rope that you need to have always in between you and your goals. Once this rope is cut or lost, it is almost impossible to achieve this goal when it contains many steps. Of course, you can always get back to tie in a knot in the rope or grab a new one. Opportunities raise and fall with your belief and faith.

You have to believe in its possible realization, otherwise its almost insane to invest so much energy, time and dedication into pursuing a goal.

“Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishments.” – Jim Rohn

4. Discipline

Discipline is not only the forgotten sibling of self-love but also your very best friend who passionately shares your goals and wants to make sure that you do the necessary and extra, to achieve your goals as good as possible. Discipline is what sets the successful and wealthy apart from the unsuccessful and not wealthy.

This does not mean that all non-wealthy people don’t have discipline. This is obviously wrong. But it means that 99% of all wealthy people applied lots of discipline with the endeavors that had to do with their wealth creation. You can obviously apply discipline also in other endeavors that have nothing to do with the creation of wealth.

But it is an utmost important friend and means to become successful and wealthy.

“My success, part of it certainly, is that I have focused in on a few things.” – Bill Gates

5. Focus

This is the ability, to bundle your energies, time, thoughts and activities on one desired thing or outcome.

“Where focus goes, energy flows.”

Who deeply understands its universal truth and wisdom, can achieve a lot of beautiful things in life.

Focus is the lenses that bundle the rays of the sun on a desired point, to achieve faster and better results.

Depending on how much the degree of your focus is – moments you spend with thinking or doing something that has to do with one particular goal – is also the degree of the probability that the goal of the focus is getting the energy it needs. On which depends its quality, time of achievement. If at all.

When your focus is not strong enough to push you higher through the different levels of progress towards the achievement of a goal, you are unlikely to achieve it.

Because some goals require several intermediate goals, which themselves require intermediate goals.

We are talking here about big or long-term goals here and not about goals you can achieve within a day or two days.

The goals that usually have a deeper reach of joy and fulfillment and a longer effect than the daily or smaller short-term goals.  

The rule is simple.

The stronger you hold your focus on a bigger goal and with this the use of your cognitive faculties, the conscious and subconscious ones, as well as time, effort and action, the higher is the likelihood of the fastest realization possible of its complete achievement.

This is not easy, because, in our fast society, we are daily bombarded with thousands of impressions and distractions, that have mostly nothing at all to do with our goals.

It is necessary to know the good balance of focus time and time in which you allow yourself to deal with other topics.

Your subconscious mind continues working on the project of the goal in these moments anyway. And hands the solutions or good ideas to your consciousness, as soon as it has come up with something useful regarding the project of your goal. It doesn’t matter if you’re under the shower, in the traffic jam, on the toilet, take a walk or do something else seemingly totally unconnected to the pursuit of your goal. The important thing is, to take note of this insight or good idea on your phone or your notebook or calendar.

Without focus, there is no perseverance, no ability to grow your courage and confidence, nor the ability to cultivate the faith and belief in yourself and the achievement of your goal and also not enough discipline.

Focus sets the condition for your other virtues being able to apply their value and magic.

When you know your goals and its main steps towards their achievement, perseverance, courage and confidence, faith, discipline, and focus are 5 virtues that help you the most with the realization of your goals and dreams.