5 Principles for success

Regarding success there are many principles that apply. Not all of them necessarily at the same time. They can be divided in aspects about your mind, your actions and strategies, your attitudes and philosophies and the way you relate with others. They are usually all connected to some kind of natural laws or principles that work nearly always.

In this post I like to present 5 principles that you may know or have heard of already or not that are very powerful cornerstones for success.

Be always ready to learn and improve and seek both yourself regarding the important fields your success is about.

Everything depends on your state of consciousness which includes your knowledge, ideas and knowledge of possibilities besides much more. It is your responsibility to take care of getting the knowledge, inspiratins and skills that you need for your success. Remember that you can only become a master in something when you have been it´s student. A real master stays always being the student of his field of mastery.

Have all intermediate- and short term goals scheduled inta planning system, book or scheduler that has one year of the calendar.

The more aware you are of all the milestones and little steps of all tasks you have and in what order to tackle them, the faster you start accomplishing one step and task at a time. The more unsure you are about how to start something, meaning it´s very first steps, the longer you need to get started. If at all.

Therefore it is recommendable to know for each month, week and day ahead the next important steps and actions to take and issues and challenges to tackle and solve.

Stay daily connected to the version of your mind and heart that sees and feels already who you are when you have achieved successfully the goals you have set.

The energy in forms of electro magnetic frequencies that you create with those daily visualisations and feelings of as if it all were achieved have two major tasks.

The first one is to send out what you want since anything returns to you that you send out.

The second one is more logical for the practical realization of achieving our goals. It functions daily as the state in which you would live in and feel like on average daily when your goals were achieved already. Visiting daily this state pulls you daily to the right height of frequencies and makes you grow into being the person you need to be and feel dominantly to achieve your goals and live differently.

This is essential since the long term change of how we are feeling on a regular basis that is based on our living conditions, needs as any change of a practical habit 3 to 5 weeks of daily cultivation to settle into our subconscious programme and with this it´s desired long term change in our living conditions or way of being.

Be ready to sacrifice more or lesser amounts of time of your free-time and social-life a lot for the first months or years of your business(es) and time of studying it´s important fields.

One of the big differences between self-employed or leading a corporate business and employees usually is that the first two have to work extra usually every day and also on the weekends often since every or many little things of the organisation and production or offer of the service depends from them.

Not to mention the huge amounts of thoughts around a complex field of things that need to be kept in mind and turned into an action sooner or later. The fields of thoughts and topics to deal with in your reality and your endeavour of career and business can be totally different.

That is why being self-employed or leading a form of a company yourself is a big learning and adapting process. As well as improving process when the learning transforms into knowledge and skills with their fruits.

Make the success of your clients, customers or employees and colleagues and business partners part of your success.

The more you focus on being of service to your clients and customers or colleagues and bossess, the more likely you succeed when you do it smart and correctly. So, the more you focus on your service or product and that effectively it does what the client or customer expects it to or bring, the more your personal success comes automatically. Since it is difficult to be successful when you are your own customer and client. By worrying less about your personal success but more about all the things related to your job or career that you can improve for colleagues, bossess, customers or clients, the more your personal success is coming for you.

Since our daily lives are sometimes so full of tasks and distractions, it is easy to forget in certain moments successful principles. My advice is therefore for you, to create a list for yourself, in which you add all pieces of knowledge or principles that favor success. Since you write them down and the fact that you have chosen them to be good for your success, you tend to implement them deeper into your future mindset, belief-system and actions.

Life is an ongoing growing process in many fields. When we start to become conscious students of life and it´s different topics, by taking notes to better remember and understand it, we may collect and learn a great deal more of things. Of things that we can apply to grow ourselves and our lives into what we truly want ourselves and our lives to be. A lot faster actually than if we don´t behave like conscious students.

Since a student knows usually what is going to be done with the knowledge learned, he or she enjoys the process of learning and becoming better due to being excited about the things that they can do with the knowledge.

“Your true success in life begins only when you make the commitment to become excellent at what you do.” 

Brian Tracy