One effective way to brainstorm ideas & thoughts

Some of us might think that good ideas are nothing we can do have on purpose but decide by themselves when they come up.

In a certain way it is true but there are ways of accelarating the amounts of ideas and by the principle of the numbers game also the amount of good ideas.

We can purposefully use the capacities of our brain and our subconscious mind to work on coming up with good ideas even when we do in the moment something that isn´t related to the topic.

By pondering consciously for some time on a topic like a project and it´s best ways of becoming a reality for example, we let our subconscious mind know that we need further good ideas and so it starts working on that task besides doing a rediculous amount of other tasks too. When it has found one it just drops it into our conscious mind, no matter what it is occupied with in that moment.

Using a brainstorm technique is a good way to ponder on solutions or good ideas.

We all know probably the simple one that you write the name of the general topic, task or project in the middle of a clean sheet of paper within a cricle or being underlined maybe. Than you start writing ideas in the surrounding of the name.

An even more effective way is using the capacities of our subconscious mind by it´s associations when it sees letters. Since any word starts with one of the letters that we know in our language.

Have a normal sheet of paper, with lines or without and put the name of the topic or project in the top, left or middle, up to you.

Then write each letter of the ABC in a vertical way on the very left of the paper, each letter having a single line for it self.

Now all you have to do is run with your eyes over the full ABC on the left of your sheet and write down all the associations or ideas that come up now.

If you feel like, why don´t you give it immediatelly a little try to see how fast your brain can come up with good ideas?

Some ideas are also bad and some are even great. Have something to take a note for the good ideas since they can leave otherwise by forgetting them. Trust me, I thought I wouldn´t forget many good ideas but I did. Our daily life is so full of inspirations and distractions that it can easily happen. That is why I write them down or speak them on a recorder that journalists have.

What is something right now in your life, that needs a solution, progress or more clarity? It can be something that has to do with your personal life or professional life. Anything that has space for improvement or even it´s realization yet to come. The more it´s improvement or realization is in your hands, the easier for you to progress.



























I hope you used it for something positive since using it for revenge purposes only creates bad karma for you, meaning similar negative things occuring in your subjective reality besides still focusing on something negative.

When used right, this technique speeds up the process of the more known and simpler technique. It also trains your brain and uses your eyes that transmit the ABC to it and uses therefore another way of using your brain as before when you were left with nothingness except the name of the topic or porject.

For each subfield or new task or challenge in your project, solution or something else, you can have this ABC list to progress faster with good ideas, solutions and more clarity of what to do.

I hope you found that technique helpful to advance with whatever you like to advance with. Clarity and good ideas are the basis of any good thing or realization of a wish, desire or goal. We have both them if we use our brain right, stimulate it with the ABC list for example and give it a bit of time to do some work while we do something else.

“Your brain is a muscle that can move the world.”

Stephen King