9 Fundamentals for changing your life.

How to change your life?

Every now and then it can happen that you want to change your life. Completely or just a little bit because mostly you are satisfied with how it is.

But everybody has heard probably, how hard this can be and how easy it is to fall back into old patterns which make the attempts of installing a new change into your life to something more like a vacation-like experience. You are away from your usual surrounding and your schedule is different from your working schedule so you are free to do things you usually don’t do for the time of your vacations. Back home with the same old things to do, your activity slides back to the one from before the vacations.

Installing a lasting new change in your life successfully can be tricky.

In this post, I present some of the most important aspects to keep in mind and action if you want to change something in your life successfully.

Your daily life is sort of a mirror of who you are. At least of what you think and believe conscious- or subconsciously you are. Your thoughts determine your feelings and your actions. And your actions provoke certain results and reactions. Your life is who you are and what you do. If it isn’t if it is actually far away from who you feel and think you are, then it isn’t in alignment with you and most likely isn’t very fulfilling.

Fundamental Nr.1

Accept your situation and acknowledge your responsibility for it. Let the past be the past.

The very basic is that you have to accept your status quo and to acknowledge that you brought yourself into this situation. Because if you give the responsibility for your current status quo to someone else or outer circumstances, it is much harder if not impossible to change much by yourself.

Only when you take whole responsibility for your life, you have the power to change it. You cannot change what you don’t own.

And your life depends totally on who you are and what you do.

This means that changing your life is equal to changing yourself and your actions and habits. Who isn’t ready for that, isn’t ready for change.

The ability to let the past be the past is very advised as well. To make it more obvious and perhaps through this also easier:

Try for one day to walk the whole day backward.


Similar to this is the way of life that many people actually lead. With their mind, they are for 95 % of the time or even more in past memories and mental self conversations about them. If you practice this for too long the program of your subconscious mind is programmed almost solely on the past without expecting something new and great to happen, not to mention being able to see, feel and consciously perceive the life with its beauty and opportunities which happens 24/7 around you.

You also lack the drive, enthusiasm, motivation, confidence, and energy you get from working and living towards big and very attractive goals.

By remembering negative past events and memories, you give them the possibility to recreate themselves in your presence and future.

Therefore you can make for example a list of 5 of each point:

The 5 most beautiful memories of your life, the 5 most confident memories of your life, the 5 most successful memories of your life, the 5 most loving memories of your life (with partners or family for example) and the 5 best times of your life. Days, weeks or months or years.

By creating and knowing this list you have a variety of things you can switch to when old negative memories appear again. Ideally, you go through all of them daily. Also emotionally. The beauty, confidence, success, love and good energy from these memories recreate themselves than in your presence and future and also in your aura.

Fundamental Nr. 2

Be as clear as possible on that what you want new in your life and plan it.

Clarity. Many people lack it when you ask them about what they truly and exactly want in life. Due to several reasons. Some are

  • the disconnection with one’s inner will,
  • the lack of freely dreaming and to consider big things and dreams as realizable and therefore
  • lack of believing in ones possibility to live the dream or big goal and not even dare and try it and
  • simply the lack of time having spent solely with oneself, doing things to get to know oneself better.

There are more reasons obviously.

Many people have lost the ability to dream freely. They got accustomed to their lifestyle and don’t expect much more to happen regarding living their dreams in case they don’t already live some or all of them.

But dreaming, fantasizing and imagining is the very beginning. It is also healthier than spending your time with thinking, fantasizing and imagining things you don’t want and worry about. Though most people do the second one.

The law of “Where focus goes, energy flows” – gives them what they ask for with their focus.

So you need clarity, goals and a plan in the beginning. Dreams which are turned into goals and into a plan are far more likely to happen then without it. Otherwise, they are likely doomed to be and stay just thoughts.

Get clear on what you want to change, happen, do or have in your different aspects of life. In your work, career, and finances, your personal development, your casual time, hobbies and passions, friends and family.

To start with clarity on what you like to change in life, you can create an ABC List one letter below the last one on the left side of a blank sheet of paper.







Move your eyes up and down the single letters and take note of all the ideas you get concerning your change or topic. Or make a list of the things you don’t (longer) want in your life. Events, people, situations, thoughts, feelings, activities, actions, reactions, results, etc. Then go through each point and ask yourself what the ideal opposite would be. This one takes longer but try to be as ideal as you can imagine and simply write it in the same line but a bit more on the right side of the sheet of paper.

Make a list of all your strengths and talents, no matter what they are and check how much they fulfill you or you like practicing them and ask yourself with which one you could create value for others as a good product or service. Use again the ABC List if you lack creativity and imagination.

Fundamental Nr. 3

What is your motivation?

What motivates you more to get into action? That in one year everything is still the same or if your life would have improved by being way more as you want it to be? To really know your strongest motivation is extremely important. Because you need a very good and attractive reason and goal to pull you through the tougher times of your journey at making your change and goals come true.

Fundamental Nr. 4

What is your vision?

Create a gallery of your ideal lifestyle or result of the change. As well as it’s influence on other aspects of your life. On how you feel and therefore walk through life. How you perhaps think differently. Take consciously some time to clarify the big picture of an endeavor or your life in general. With all the different main aspects. The more details you imagine and clarify, the clearer it is all that you want to happen and how it makes you feel generally rather now or at least tomorrow than never, the more likely it is that you truly make it happen or get it.

Fundamental Nr. 5

Set goals and their intermediate goals, use realistic time frames, know your very next steps and use a smart planning- notebook system or at least a calendar.

Without clear goals, you have no exact point of where you would like to be or get to.

“If you don’t design your own life plan, chances are you’ll fall into someone else’s plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much.” -Jim Rohn

Bigger goals exist of more or many intermediate goals. Take for example 5 intermediate goals, which achieved in the right order, achieve one of your big goals.

For those intermediate goals are usually several steps necessary. Therefore you want to know your very next steps. By getting them done one after another you get where you want to be. Use the Pareto Principle for all your tasks and use ideally a calendar or planning book for all your goals, intermediate goals, and next steps. Drawing a line with a pen through a goal or step which is done that leads to where you want to be or go to feels awesome.

Fundamental Nr. 6

Check your habits and beliefs. And exchange them if necessary.

Two very big things of yourself can manipulate your progress. Wrong or goal manipulating habits and limiting beliefs that are outdated or not goal serving. Your ego too, but that’s another story.

Everybody has an image of the world, one’s life and one’s possibilities in the world with ones life. Of what is possible, what is easy and what is more difficult. These can be beliefs that hold you back from believing and action. Most of them are not true if you check them objectively and considering all the options you hold and options that still wait to be found by you.

As it goes with all bad our simply outdated habits, it is most easy to get rid of them when you replace them by new ones which are goal serving. This goes also for beliefs, as they are just habitual and repeated thoughts.

Fundamental Nr. 7

Be aware of your self-image.

The beliefs you hold about yourself – your image of you – is determining your subconscious beliefs and actions and therefore your life. To have a good self-image aligned with your goals can’t be more fundamental for your life, your decisions, thoughts, feelings, beliefs, expectations, actions and reactions in your life.

Fundamental Nr. 8

Figure out what kind of knowledge, abilities, skills and what kind of material and how much money you probably need to achieve your goals.

Estimate the amount of money for materials, lessons etc roughly in the beginning and get more clear as your path gets more clearly as your options become more clear.

Ask yourself, what kind of knowledge and abilities and skills do you need to achieve your goals.

What do you need to know or to learn about what?

What kind of skill or ability should be in your skill case?

Which are the options for obtaining the necessary knowledge and skills and abilities?

Which options suit you best?

Are you able to learn by yourself?

Is this knowledge or skill or ability possible to learn by yourself through books or videos or podcasts?

Or do you need to visit a seminar, workshop or take hours with someone who owns the knowledge or skill?

How do you practice and apply it to become good and eventually excellent?

Try to use or connect every new knowledge and skill with your daily life. Ideally, this automatically remembers you daily on that new knowledge or skill. Implement the acquisition of new knowledge and skills into your new habits and routines. The more regular you practice or learn in learn friendly amounts and ways, the faster you possess the knowledge and skills you need for achieving your goals.

Fundamental Nr. 9

Let your subconscious mind know, what you truly want.

In order to change certain aspects of your life, especially when a bigger change is long ago, your subconscious mind needs some new messages in different forms to change your programs. As long as your air conditioner is set on a certain temperature, and the open windows are not too many and to wide open, you can’t change lastingly the temperature which you have set, because each time the temperature of the room leaves the desired and set temperature, the air conditioner reacts to get the chosen temperature back. Your subconscious mind works similarly.

It loves right after closing your eyes for falling asleep good inner dia-shows or video sequences of the things that are fun, fulfilling meaningful and successful to and for you. All of it out of the perspective of your own eyes. Because it creates great feelings which is always good but also tells your subconscious mind on what you want to be programmed on to happen, be, do or have in your life.

Present-Tense affirmations of “I am lucky and grateful for the fact that I am … (whatever you want to be, have or do) / … is in my life.” or “I am on the best way to be, have or do” are great structures for using the power of affirmations.

I hope this set of 9 fundamentals serves as an inspiration, support, and motivation for whatever you like to do, be or have.

Choose the right vibes in life and enjoy.