Do you just do it for the money, or to offer high value?

Energy doesn’t lie. It can make a huge difference, if you’re just in for the money or if you want to actually bring value in one form or another to many or just a certain type of people.

The source where your drive for all your necessary actions comes from is different.

Each person can have a different motivation and reason for doing what he or she does. Besides trying to survive as good as possible.

It is what sets certain services and products apart from others. When the customer or client sort of just can’t help but have a better feeling with what you do and most importantly, how you do what you do. How you produce or create the product(s) you offer and sell or the service(s) you offer and sell.

Many people notice subtly when your reason for offering the product or service is to help or support others with their issues or to do something very well what most people cannot, in order to entertain, relax, heal, inspire, teach or do whatever you do with your product or service for them, primarily,

They also feel it, when you genuinely like or even love what you do in the form of a service or product.

Both of these components have nothing to do with money. Money is just an exchange system which we have to use in this world when we want to live well in between modern societies.

Therefore money is artificial in the sense, that it doesn’t come from you like your desire for doing what you do or offer does. If you want to improve something for all people or a certain type of people with issues or needs that you can solve or fulfill because you truly like the idea of them having fewer issues or difficulties or problems with it than this desire comes truly from your inside.

You notice when people are just in for the money because you notice that something is missing.

Passion, meaning, fascination, enthusiasm, love, joy, flow, compassion and the desire to help others for example.

The more you find reasons for what you do or offer, that don’t have to do with what you can do with the money you get in return, the more your customers or clients will feel good around you and your product or service and hence are more likely to buy your product or service.