How big is the graveyard of your dreams?

Nearly everybody has a personal graveyard of personal dreams deep in the back of their mind and heart. Each one of them was the day buried when the (in most cases) limiting belief that this dream can’t be realized or is “too difficult”, or “too hard” to achieve or “not possible now” has won over even the possibility, that the dream might be possible in a future point of life.

It is ok, to have a graveyard of dreams. Some people are so disconnected from their inner life deep wishes, that they don’t even have the pleasure of dreaming.

Dreaming was the beginning of every great vision that empowered a human being to ignite a positive impact in this world.

Dreaming is also the beginning of changing your life to the very better. Without some first free thoughts of something new and desired in your mind, you have nothing to create a goal and an action plan out of.

You are very lucky. Some of your dreams are still breathing beneath some soil of lacking confidence and the right beliefs. By changing your beliefs about them you can dig some, if not even all of them, out again.

If they seem very big, why don’t you cut your big dreams in little pieces instead of burying it?

Little pieces that serve as intermediate targets which, when achieved in the right order, lead automatically to the complete achievement of your big dream.

For each intermediate target, let’s say you cut your big dream into 5 or 10 intermediate targets, you can then define the first and next five steps of the first intermediate target. And then from the next one.

By then visualizing the final end result, as well as the main steps towards its achievement, out of your own eyes and by simultaneously feeling seeing, hearing and smelling a situation which represents you being, doing or having what you desire, just after you close your eyes for falling asleep, you programme your subconscious mind on the achievement of your goal.

It’ll give you the right ideas, let you react in a favored way or even lets you talk to the right people who can help you in achieving your goal or dream.

By going after your dreams, little or big ones, confidently and intelligently by smart planning, you lead yourself automatically faster towards fulfillment, success, prosperity, and happiness in your life. This path leads you from one good or great idea and goal to the next one while your enthusiasm and growing confidence and fulfillment accompany you.

Be the gravedigger of your dearest dreams!

They are yours for a reason.