One of the biggest subconscious obstacles to become wealthy.

What do you think about wealth?

Do you think a person should be able to create wealth?

What is your overall opinion about rich people?

These three questions are mostly ignored when the topic of creating wealth or becoming wealthy comes up.

The fact that these questions are mostly ignored shows clearly how the function of the subconscious mind in creating wealth is not properly understood yet. This has to do with the general lack of the subconscious mind in our society’s awareness.

The subconscious mind plays a very fundamental role in everybody’s life. But just a very view number of people learn more about it to better understand it and as a result to gain more insights about oneself.

Let’s stick for now to its relationship to wealth creation and becoming rich.

The chances are quite high that you have got some conscious or subconscious negative opinions and beliefs about wealth and rich people when you grew up in a family that was or is holding negative beliefs and opinions about wealthy and rich people.

To put it short: As long as you hold consciously or subconsciously negative beliefs or opinions about wealth, rich people and becoming rich, your subconscious mind will do anything to prevent you from becoming rich in the first place.

And in case someone gifts you a million dollar, you probably won’t make more out of it but even spend it all within a period of time and be not rich again.

This makes sense because why becoming rich if you hold a negative opinion or belief about rich people?

Having a negative opinion about oneself doesn’t create inner harmony and therefore it creates incongruities which are to be prevented by any means by your ego and your subconscious mind.

So, the subtle obstacle to become rich actually means it well with you. If your desire to become wealthy is stronger than your loyalty to the old negative opinion or belief about wealth and rich people, which was put into your subconsciousness by other people anyway, than you can reprogramme your subconscious minds negative opinion or belief by auto-suggestion and consciously changing or modificating your negative opinion or belief about rich people and wealth to a positive one.

By changing your perspective about it. By considering new aspects and reasons, why creating wealth can result in beautiful living conditions, actions and experiences. Not only for yourself.

Money is neutral. It is just a poor medium of exchange which gets used by some or many people in ways that create negative results and impacts for others.

It gets misunderstood to have the value and function as food, a beautiful house, a well functioning car for example or a beautiful vacation with your loved ones.

It isn’t able to give you what good food gives to your body. It isn’t contained with a big and beautiful space to live in. It doesn’t bring you from A to B. It isn’t all the moments of joy and love with your loved ones on a beautiful vacation.

It’s just the medium of exchange.

Similar to our hands which are beside our brain the best tool in the world. We can use them to cuddle, to express love or compassion and even to heal by some. But we can use them also to hit and to kill.

But there is nobody who has a bad opinion or belief about hands.

Similar to the healing capacity of our hands, money can do a lot of good too in this world or to people, animals, and nature.

It’s up to the person using it.

If you want to create wealth in your life or a decent amount of money to live with more freedom to travel and fewer worries, you need to cultivate a good opinion about money, wealth, becoming rich and rich people.

At least you need to be very conscious about the fact that money itself isn’t negative but just a medium of exchange with which one can do indeed very positive and beautiful things.

Without money, there wouldn’t be philanthropists who donate the majority of their wealth to education, schools, medical research, universities, N.G.Os, natural parks and many more beautiful things to support to.

So, what do you think about wealth? About rich people and becoming rich?

Write each negative belief or opinion down and ask yourself where you could have got it from.

Then ask yourself which belief or opinion does support your goals concerning wealth or more money or becoming rich.

Once your beliefs are positively transformed, your subconscious mind approves your goals and starts to support your realization of financial progress and growth. It becomes your assistant and not your hidden opponent.