The art of defining yourself & becoming who you want to be.

There is already a self-image of us inside of us. The collection of all our memories of our subconscious mind and as much as we have consciously defined ourselves already.

The way you see yourself determines your life. It determines your hopes, motivations, beliefs, your behavior, and your actions.

“The person we believe ourselves to be will always act in a manner consistent with our self-image.”

Brian Tracy

The way you see yourself has a big influence on how other people perceive you too.

As long as you aren’t woken up yet, you believe, that most of what you think you know about yourself, is written in stone forever.

Some information regarding the self-image:

  • The self-image is measured by how one ideally would love to be.
  • Self-image and the ideal self-image are combined in the self-concept.
  • Everybody strives in general for a stable, congruent, and positive self-image.
  • The agreement of self-image and desired image, as well as that of self-image and external image, are essential prerequisites for mental health, performance, and appropriate interaction and communication with others.

The interplay and interdependence of the self-image and the external image.

The self-image of a person can be influenced by his or her more or less right perception of how others see him or her.

Vice versa, it is possible to influence the external image others have of oneself by the way one sees oneself, its self-image. By everything it reveals in the form of words, facial expressions, actions, reactions, and behavior.

The self-image is strongly influenced by the social group one considers oneself to belong to. No matter, if this group has a rather positive or negative image of themselves.

With mindfulness, you can control your self-image and to certain degrees, the external image others have of you.

Everybody has more good and more bad parts in their self-image, highlights and things, they prefer to rather not be or exercise.

This can be character traits, as even physical traits, as well as the general situation one is in or the job one has.

It is easy to subconsciously ignore bad traits of us. Which, in most cases, unfortunately, doesn’t mean, that we aren’t exercising those traits anymore. When this happens, we delude ourselves.

This can happen when we are afraid of having to admit that we have weaknesses and traits or habits we aren’t proud of. This is human because we tend to not bear cognitive dissonances for too long. We rather delude or drug ourselves with alcohol or other substances than being honest with us which wouldn’t feel very good in the beginning.

But that’s the way when you want to transform certain feelings. You allow yourself to feel them without judging them and then while feeling this feeling, you start focusing slowly more and more intense on the feeling you would like to feel instead.

The bad feeling usually goes away because it has got your attention and wasn’t ignored.

It is similar to many people. The most important thing subconsciously is for most to be simply listened to and recognized.

After all, some men are ready to die for recognition.

But we got a bit off-topic.

Defining yourself can be superficial or very deep. It is normal to think at first about traits and features that lay on the outer layer of of who we are.

Depending on how much we like to change in our lives, most likely in similar amounts we need to make changes or adjustments of how we see ourselves.

And most importantly; how our subconscious mind sees us.

Going to sleep by imagining being who you love to be, doing the things this ideal version of you does, is a auto-suggestion technique, that helps you too let your subconscious mind know who you love being. And as a result, it lets you act this way more and more without having to be totally mindful.

Enjoy the new defining of who you are.

Try to make it as good and loving as you can. Writing it down and carry the paper with you.

“I am ..”, “I do.. “, “I am the one who.. “

It is solely your job to define yourself.

Try to make the best job you can, you’re worth it!

“A strong, positive self-image is the best possible preparation for success.”

Joyce Brothers