The art of living in abundance, no matter what.

A lot of successful and now also wealthy people have described an important trait they lived, when they still weren´t successful and financially not even secure.

They were able to give themselves the feeling of living already in abundance, no matter how “less” they had at hand in their living conditions.

Where most people are usually complaining and dreaming of that they had more in the situation, perhaps even being jealous of other people´s belongings and abundance.

It is very hard to create abundance when you always focus on lack.

Most of the very successful and now financially wealthy people were very happy and grateful for what they had at hand, even though it wasn´t at all what they were dreaming of.

They learned or intuitively applied the art of being happy and grateful for what they had while chasing and going for their big goals in life. Which weren´t in most cases to be financially rich and wealthy, but to do what their inside were calling them to do. Money and later on wealth was just a good measure for the success and breakthrough they had with their calling.

What you focus on, grows.

It is a natural- or universal law or principle that always works.

They managed to focus on and appreciate highly the tiniest bits of “Having”, so that their “Having” could grow and grow.

After all, if you were about to give someone more of something that you had, you would rather give it to the person who appreciates already just a little bit of that what you have than the person who doesn´t and complains about why he or she hasn´t got already more, wouldn´t you?

You see, the natural laws work the same way.
Or stick to the wisdom of the principle, that what you focus on, grows, because you energize it.

Everything is energy. You can start with feeling abundant wherever you are. Sometimes you just have to start very small. And appreciate it as if it were already a lot. In most cases it is, for there are certainly others, who even haven´t this amount of what you have supposedly little.

Be grateful for the small things, in order to deserve being grateful for bigger things. Work at the same time on yourself and what you have to give to the world, in order to deserve more.

Again after all, you would feel better to give more to the one, who works or gives something than the one who is just asking for something without offering the same degree of value in some form or another, or is at least working as much as he or she can, wouldn´t you?

It is connected to the principle of needing to be able to properly handle the small things, like money management or responsibilities, in order to know how to handle bigger amounts of money or responsibilities.

Same goes for appreciation and living in abundance.

I promise you, the feeling of genuine gratitude makes you always feel good. No matter how small the reason may be. And that is actually, what we all are as a basis always looking for, don´t we?

There is always a chance, to live in abundance.

Enjoy it and make sure that you give as much as you would like to receive more of it, in future present moments.

You got already more than you might be aware about.
In both senses.

“Learn how to be happy with what you have while you pursue all that you want.”

Jim Rohn