There are many names for life. Some regard life as a game. Some regard it as a party. Some as a struggle and not more than suffering. Some others as a dance.

I like the dance one. It includes two aspects as the Chinese philosophy of YinYang does.

Besides Nietzsche’s diamond of “Dance-Wisdom”:

“We should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once.”

Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

The metaphoric description of life as a dance still is a very vague one. Most likely due to the big offer of dance partners in life.

The dance partners of the Bellavita Dance are the mindfulness in the present moment, as well as the clarity about the desired future, as also the right thoughts, feelings, beliefs and actions that create in the present moment the desired future or better;

desired future present moments.

Because the only moment in which you can truly and solely influence your life is the moment of this very presence. Each moment of it. Dancing with one step into the next moment of the presence.

The present moment actually always follows you in your dance of life. The important question is if you’re dancing consciously with it or not?

Because if you consciously dance with the present moment, you can make it dance with your desired future.

By combining mindfulness and the right actions that sooner or later lead to the realization of your intermediate and big goals in life.

By also having in the present moment the focus on these goals and the steps of realizing them.

As known already from physics, we always send out certain electromagnetic waves, that hold, as energy does, certain information. These waves swing back or return to us.

By taking care of our focus and our feelings that come with the focus, we determine in the most important moment, the moment of the present, that our focus and vibrations are the right ones.

By regular visualizing and affirming, amongst other autosuggestion possibilities, we can program our autopilot, our subconscious mind, on the fastest realization of our goals.

Enjoy your dance between the eternal present moment and your desired future.

It leads to your beautiful life.

The world is your dance floor.

“Dance, when you’re broken open. Dance, if you’ve torn the bandage off. Dance in the middle of the fighting. Dance in your blood. Dance when you’re perfectly free.”
