The Game of Perspectives

As already pointed out in “Everything is just a concept”, a way of easier and more beautifully and successfully experience life is to play the game of perspectives. Part of mental alchemy.

Many of us have a thought or belief that doesn’t feel good to us. The problem is when we take these thoughts or beliefs for granted and as fixed reality.

But by moving your perspective around a situation or belief that makes you feel uncomfortable, weak, bad, or simply unwell, you are able to find a perspective on it that can make you feel actually comfortable, strong and good or at least not unwell.

For some people, non-violence is a sign of weakness. For some, it is a sign of strength.

( Nonviolence is a fundamental virtue in Hinduism, Jainism, and Buddhism and is known in Sanskrit as Ahimsa.)

Nothing or” no thing” has just one perspective to be looked at.

Successful and happy people have learned to use the perspective game.

It is not about denying reality but to realize that you are free to look at this reality from a different perspective without changing or denying reality.  

A red light can either fuck you up or give you the opportunity to relax for a little moment.

By realizing that closing doors in life are at the same time opening doors, you apply the perspective game.

You are free to hold any perspective about the world in general, yourself in general or particular and everything that is happening to you, which means it is also happening inside of your consciousness.

Start to be picky with your perspectives and use the ones that make you feel better, good or great and imply the potential for growth.

Enjoy the discoveries of new perspectives.