NLP stands for Neuro-Linguistic Programming. Neuro refers to your neurology; Linguistic refers to language; programming refers to the functions of the neural language.

Neurology refers to neûron. Its string and nerve. The suffix – logy means “study of”. It deals with disorders of the nervous system. It relies mainly on the field of neuroscience, the scientific study of the nervous system.

Linguistical stands for the language aspect, how that neural language functions and the way you speak and think. Which words you use. Your “I am’s” and “I dos.” And what kind of behavior and feelings they trigger.

New words and ideas create new neural patterns or connections.

Programming refers to this process. To the process of using language, especially your “internal” language, to create new neural connections by using new ways of using the language.

With N.L.P. you can do many things. It was in the beginning developed with the idea of analyzing the strategies and techniques of individuals who performed in certain areas outstandingly, being perceived as geniuses. It was developed to distill what some of the best professionals in the field of therapy were using intuitively, meaning that they weren’t able to consciously explain it. Fritz Pearls, Victoria Satir and Milton Erickson.

N.L.P. aims to help a person to understand their mind and how it works better, as well as how the way they view the world affects how one acts, reacts in the relationship with the world. As well as that changing one’s thoughts from unbeneficial ones to beneficial ones affect one’s behavior patterns for experiencing different, new and better results.

And if you want to make your subconscious mind understand what you want, you need to learn to apply the language of Neuro-Linguistic programming. Exactly like you need to learn a foreign language when you want to verbally communicate with a person of the country that only speaks their language.

Neuro-Linguistic programming is the language that your subconscious mind understands.

People who don’t speak the language of N.L.P. get often exactly what they don’t want or something that isn’t what they want. They don’t use the tools to change the programming of their subconscious mind.

Learning N.L.P. helps also to better deal with your emotions and thoughts and lets you reprogram your tendency of acting, reacting and feeling.

It uses behavior-modification techniques to improve self-awareness, confidence, communication skills and social actions in general.

In the field of therapy, it is used for treating a wider range of issues or diseases.

  • Anxiety, phobias, and panic attacks
  • Attention-deficit hyperactivity
  • Addiction
  • Borderline personality
  • Communication issues
  • Depression
  • Obsession and compulsions
  • Posttraumatic stress
  • Schizophrenia

N.L.P. teaches you how to more effectively communicate with yourself and others.

Besides therapy, it is also applied in the fields of

  • Marketing
  • Sales
  • Education
  • Training
  • Change of career or position
  • Personal Development
  • Leadership Training
  • Enhancement of chosen performances

According to N.L.P., there are six levels of change in a person’s life. Starting with the lowest.

  1. Your environment: It is the context in which you live. The people you surround yourself with.
  2. Your behavior: The particular actions you perform. Your reactions to outer stimuli. Especially in communication.
  3. Your capabilities and skills: What you are capable of doing and your set of abilities and skills.
  4. Your values and beliefs: What has meaning to you, what you value and your personal belief-system.
  5. Your identity: The image of the person you believe yourself to be. As well as the roles you perform in your life and the responsibilities you hold.
  6. Your purpose(s) in life and your spirituality: Dedicating your energy and time for something bigger than yourself and your life. When you found what you love and go for it. When you help others to be happy, successful, learn something or get rich or education, a future or home.

“If you always focus on negative things, you’ll feel bad. If you start to look for solutions that are different and better, that’s the way your world will become. This is not “positive thinking”, its brain science.”

Richard Bandler

Subjectivity plays a vital role in N.L.P.

Experiencing the world subjectively is something that unites everybody. We experience subjective representations of the world. Our perspective and awareness is unique. Our subjective representations of experiences are constituted in the language we use and what we perceive with our five senses. Visual, auditory, kinesthetic, olfactory and gustatory.

When we remember activities, sceneries, and events or imagine or anticipate the future, we can in a certain way, see images, think in words, hear sounds, smell odors, taste flavors, feel touches or tactile sensations in general in our minds.

“We operate from the conscious mind less than 5 % of the day. Unless the subcosncious mind has the same programming as the conscious mind, the power of positive thinking will not work.”

Bruce Lipton, PhD.

Neuro-Linguistic programming can change your life completely for the better. It can help you realize dreams of yours that you thought were out of your realms of possible experiences in your life.

“The brain can be developed just the same as the muscles can be developed, if on will only take the pains to train the mind to think.”

Thomas A. Edison